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Time for a Trim

Mixed Media and Hair
Dimensions Variable

“During Singapore’s Circuit Breaker when salons were closed, what was the relationship you had with your hair? Did it get more complicated since a part of you now requires additional attention and caring for?”

Time for a Trim features a series of personal and intimate objects reimagined in an overgrown symbiotic relationship with hair. Hair is employed as a medium to represent the efforts put in towards the care and commitment of growing out one's hair during the Circuit Breaker phase when hair salon operations were temporarily suspended. Correspondingly, hair grown without being tended during this period resonates with the concept of a halt in continuation and progression further complicated by mental vexation. 

In many religions and culture, monks practice tonsure by ceremonially shaving their heads as a representation of religious devotion and a marking of his entrance into a new stage of religious development.

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