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Household Ordinary Wakes

Under the Collection of The Woon Brothers Foundation

Household Ordinary Wakes is a series of commonplace objects, each with a tag-a-long title of the unique idiosyncrasies of individuals diagnosed with Dementia, striving to portray and honour each owner's characteristics.

Engaging as a remembrance against Dementia, each precise object is conceived from real-life encounters of Dementia patients. Their daily items are assembled into configurations, challenging and impairing conventional logical function, striving to confound the viewer, yet detailing an exclusive manner of their way of life, prompting the audience to reflect on the relationship we have with the items that fill our daily lives.


Don't Talk To Me Till I Have My Kopi

Kopitiam Coffee Mug and Nurse Surgical Scissors

Mdm Yeo, an avid coffee drinker gets agitated when she does not have her usual order of ‘Kopi C Kosong Gao in the morning.


Like Father Like Daughter

Masking Tape and Washi Tape

Mary, the closeted single child would not be able to express her identity to her demented single-parent father, Mr Chan.


I'm on a Diet

Coca Cola Bottle (Carbonated, Unopened, Lesser Volume)

Mr Ang claims that he has eaten every single time a meal is served to him in the Dementia Nursing Home.
Unknowingly, he starves himself for days


SGD One Dollar


Mr Yong loved collecting coins and archiving them in albums. 
He lost his sense of self and identity in 2019.


The Key in the Relationship

House Keys

Mrs Lim visits Mr Lim daily at the Dementia Nursing Centre. 
She calls it her second home.


Spoon proof

Metal Tablespoon

"Mr Chua keeps bending the spoon because he don't want to eat.
I try to bend it back, but it breaks after some time. "


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