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"Art was my way of enshrining my teenage years, putting it in the lights forever, so that part of me never dies."

The Great Divide (1)_edited_edited.jpg

Artist Statement

My sculpture represents myself trying to connect to ████ through several interconnected themes. The practice is grounded in a keen sense of materiality. Comprised of two parts, Birth and death. The simultaneity of the high key sculpture to the low key background is to address ‘birth’ within ‘death’. The illusionary nature of sense perception and the material world explored through different mediums such as acrylic, water-colour spray, ink, oil paint, plaster bandages, marble paint and faux finishing gels before concluding with a mixed-media installation. To reiterate the fragility of the human body, I experimented with plaster bandages of the artist’s own living breathing body. It mimics the unaltered model of my body. Creating contorted figures resembling those of Pompeii, which too had ████ whom ████ in an instant similar to the death of ████. The plaster model is a presentation of myself, with an at-rest position of someone’s presence. The aftermath of the feelings is produced as to how marbling is produced on the canvas; instantly. My artwork explores the inevitable distances between ████ and me, striving to reconcile the tension between the flesh of the performing body and the bone-like material of the archive. Including Optical Illusion Art with marbling and the detail of latex, view from afar and near the paper-clay sculpture explores the notions of the material remnant, Myself.


From this, my working style is extremely chaotic and unplanned. However, there was a strong intuitive undercurrent that guided me. 

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